Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy 40th Dr. Mark

As promised from my "teaser" on Friday, I thought I'd actually follow through and show you the printed items from Dr. Mark's birthday.  His actual birthday was yesterday, but we celebrated Saturday night.  I really didn't have to do too much work besides these printed items, as he requested a night of karaoke at The Highball and a cookie cake.  Above is the invitation I sent out and then the cocktail napkins that I ordered for the night of the party.  

To all of his out-of-town friends I sent this note.  In the main envelope, I included a note card for them to jot well wishes and a stamped and pre-addressed envelope for them to send it in.  I wanted to make it easy/convenient for his friends and I thought it would be super special if the morning of his birthday Dr. Mark had a pile of well wishes from his best friends.  

This was the note card that I created and included in the out-of-towners envelopes.  It was fun for me to read friends' kind words on such a milestone birthday.  I think it was a good one! 

1 comment:

  1. Forty and Fab! Love your invites to the in-and-out of towners!
